Why Physiotherapy and Yoga Make a Great Couple

As a physiotherapist and registered yoga instructor, I instinctively blend some of the principles from each discipline into my treatment plans. This combination of modern rehabilitation principles and ancient health wisdom provides the best of both worlds.
Take tree pose for example – in one simple standing balance pose, you get to work on so many things at once. In tree pose, you are effectively:
– strengthening the gluteus medius of the supporting leg
– using the adductors of the supporting leg as stabilizers
– activating the intrinsic foot muscles that support your arch
– practising mental focus
– learning to breathe through a challenge
– stretching the adductors and internal rotators of the leg that is off the ground by opening it up to the side
– engaging your deep core muscles to keep the pelvis level and assist with balance
– practising keeping a neutral spine…aka. good posture (if your centre of mass isn’t over your base of support, you’re going to be a fallen tree)
– lengthening the spine (as in, creating more space between the vertebrae to relieve compression off discs and nerves) by reaching the crown of the head upwards while simultaneously pressing the standing foot down into the ground
…and the best part is that you are not just working on each thing isolation, rather you get the benefit of forming a motor pattern that coordinates all of these separate aspects. In my opinion, it is this coordination signifies the true beauty of this pose, as well as the marvel of the human body.
Namaste to that.
– Your Ottawa Wellness Team at OC3*
*Ottawa Collaborative Care Centre (OC3) is a multidisciplinary, integrative health clinic in downtown Ottawa. We are committed to providing Ottawa and the surrounding area with high quality injury, wellness, and sport performance care by strategically blending Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Naturopathic Medicine, Active Release Techniques (ART), Acupuncture, Trigger Point Dry Needling, and Massage Therapy services to reduce pain and improve function.*