We’re Expanding!

Our integrative injury clinic will be going through some changes during the month of May. Chiropractic, ART, and physiotherapy services will remain on the ground floor, but registered massage therapy and naturopathic medicine will be provided from the second floor of the building. Our downtown clinic is also adding certified private and semiprivate (small group) Pilates classes, likely beginning at the end of this month.
Ottawa Collaborative Care Centre (OC3) is a multidisciplinary, integrative health clinic in downtown Ottawa. We are committed to providing Ottawa and the surrounding area with high quality injury, wellness, and sport performance care by strategically blending Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Naturopathic Medicine, Active Release Techniques (ART), Acupuncture, Trigger Point Dry Needling, and Massage Therapy services to reduce pain and improve function.*