Ottawa Physiotherapy Clinic Acupuncture for the Treatment of Chronic Pain

Acupuncture has been always been a staple of traditional chinese medicine practitioners, and recently has been utilized by specifically trained physiotherapists, chiropractors, medical doctors, and osteopaths in a more westernized anatomic/musculoskeletal fashion. Until recently, only randomized control trials of limited strength existed supporting the efficacy of acupunture in the treatment of chronic pain conditions.
Recently, a meta-analysis was published by the archives of internal medicine. The study reviewed data from over 18000 patients and found clear evidence that acupuncture is indeed effective for the treatment of chronic pain conditions.
The head Physiotherapist at our downtown integrative injury management centre, Shelagh Haynes, is trained in acupuncture. Shelagh effectively combines this technique with trigger point dry needling and exercise therapy. Often these treatments are administered along with ART (active release techniques), registered massage therapy, and/or manipulations/mobilizations by other practitioners within our centre. Through this integrative approach, our goal is to help our chronic pain patients lead a more functional and pain free life.