Heel Pain – Treated by Active Release Techniques and IMS at our new Ottawa Physiotherapy and Chiropractic Clinic

Heel pain is strongly correlated with tightness in the calf, hamstrings and the foot. The connective tissue between these muscles at the back of the leg and foot meet at the heel and create the pain called plantar fasciitis. Many doctors and therapists will tell you it is plantar fascia inflammation or a fat pad irritation, but often it can be treated with specific hands on therapy and added modalities. Our integrative treatment approach effectively tackles this very problem. We use a combination of Active Release Therapy (ART) and Intramuscular stimulation (IMS), along with very specific home based stretch and strengthening protocols. Active release is a specific form of deep tissue massage or mobilization targeting the scar tissue that develops following strain to the muscles and tendons in our bodies. In this case, strain to the hamstrings, calves and muscles at the base of our feet, cause scar tissue buildup within the tissues. This leads to a tightening of those very same muscles, poor circulation, a hindered healing process, and greater susceptibility to further strain/tearing. This ultimately becomes a viscous circle of tightness and strain, tightness and strain. ART or Active Release Technique effectively breaks down this scar tissue, allowing the muscles, tendons, and ligaments to move freely with reduced pulling at the site of the heel.
Trigger points, or hyper irritable spots found within a taut band of muscle or fascia, can give rise to pain in that muscle, as well as in the surrounding muscles and joints, due to compression of the blood vessels and nerves in that area. Heel pain can often develop as a result of these stubborn myofascial trigger points in the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus). IMS relieves heel pain through the insertion of a fine needle into these muscular trigger points. This needling technique works by deactivating the trigger points in the calf muscles, desensitizing associated structures and restoring function by releasing muscle shortening, removing the source of irritation, decreasing the presence of spontaneous electrical activity within the muscle, and promoting healing. In doing so, IMS allows a faster return to pain-free function.
Till next time,
Your Downtown Ottawa Chiropractic, Active Release, IMS and Physiotherapy team